Sketches & Marginalia

As a radiologist, I’m a visual person. As a general rule, if I can’t sketch something out, or draw a figure, then I don’t understand it. I carry a pen and pocket journal everywhere I go to sketch out my ideas and take notes. After all, the pen is a tool for thinking.

I’m also addicted to writing in the margins of books and magazines. I consider it as an ongoing conversation with the writer, and the margins are often where I conduct my best improvised thinking.

Finally, I love manual typerwriters. I have two originals that are a dream to use: a 1948 Royal, and a 1958 Olympia. They are amongst my most prized possessions.

Sketching. Writing. Drawing. It’s all immensely fun.

Please check the gallery of copyrighted images I’ve generated below and feel free to use them as you see fit. My only request is that if you would like to publish or give talks using them, please acknowledge me. Thank you.

More fun in France
Inspired by the movie Polite Society
Futures can be directional.